Sunday, October 16, 2016

5 Items That Should Be In Your Bag

My own Nanay taught me to have these five items in my bag. Some are here for practical purposes, others are more for beauty/well-being and for the sake of the environment.

1. Some form of identification - This needs to be in there for practical reasons, e.g., as proof of your identity in case you need it. (I have my driver's license, considering that I drive a motorbike most of the time).
2. A writing implement - "The dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory," so sayeth Mark Twain. I agree with him. A pen, a marker, or the dullest pencil must be found in your bag. It's essential for scribbling notes, important reminders, and phone numbers. These days, a phone often replaces the pen. However, the pencil/pen has a certain advantage: it is not prone to having low battery.
3. A small notebook - A necessary companion of item #2. Writing on your palm will do in some cases but can be a messy affair. Nanay would strongly advise to pack a notebook for keeping the most essential information intact.
4. A tube of lip/cheek tint - According to Nanay, this has got to be the most important item in your bag. To be used for quick touch-ups, especially during times when you don't have access to your full makeup kit and you don't want to appear as haggard as you feel at any time of the day.
5. A reusable water container - This is in the bag as an ecologically friendly alternative to all those disposable cups and bottles we tend to use then throw out on any given occasion. Mine currently is a KeepCup I got from Nanay.
Are any of these items in your bag?